We all know that our youth are the leaders of tomorrow. But there’s so much more to it than that. The world is changing at greater speeds now than ever before. Have we dealt them a fair hand from the deck of life, or are we really foolish enough to think that the issues that our youth face are all their fault? We can’t provide dysfunctional homes and expect them to just “be OK!” We adults have to clean up our acts and then help
them clean up theirs.
My parents used to say…Read More
Check out our I.M.A.G.I.N.E curriculum written by Peggi Merkey and Melvin Adams~World-Class former Harlem Globetrotter.
We use this with students in grades 3-college! This is a nine month course for students with an introduction and final wrap up!
I: stands for Identity
M: stands for Mindset
A: stands for Attitude
G: stands for Goals
I: stands for Imagine
N: stands for Never Give Up
E: stands for Excel and Get Excited!
The authors have found it so important to…Read More
No one really likes to talk about Suicide or Bullying, but it is very necessary to address them so that more of us can learn how to handle them when they come our way. It may be a student, friend, child, relative, parent or spouse suffering. So many things can trigger suicidal thoughts and we may even see the “red flags”, but we need to know the best way to handle them BEFORE they happen. Prevention is of utmost importance and the worst thing is when it becomes trendy, or students in schools see it as an acceptable way out of…Read More
How church men hurt fatherless kids by not being involved in their lives. (Watching sports incessantly, or tv) Can you not give one day or night to a fatherless kid?
These men show up to be mentors to under-served youth weekly. Imagine the fights, unwanted pregnancies, childhood trauma, crimes and other social problems we positively intervene in that will never go rewarded or reported. Maybe these men have prevented school shootings? You’ll never know but when tragedies happen to our youth I can’t help but think of how important it is to be proactive with at-risk youth. Get involved and do something about what you see happening. Yes we should mourn with those who mourn. I’m sending prayers out for the families in Uvalde. We should also check our lives to see if they count for more then just complaining and grumbling but not impacting another young persons life for the better. Jesus loves youth and demanded the disciples not to keep them from him. Are you seeking to be involved with youth from hard places? If so, join a team of mentors such as these men. The youth are waiting and the need is more than any one church or ministry can handle, nevertheless we have to start somewhere. Let’s do this.