Motivational School Speakers to Inspire Your Students

School Speakers: Inspiring, Educating, and Motivating Students.

Can You Hear Me Now has been booking motivational speakers in schools for seventeen years now. Many school speakers love kids so much that they really only want to speak in schools. Motivational speakers are inspirational impactors who know that each student is just one step away from failure or success, and they invest their lives to help them become successful.

Much more money can be earned by speaking in corporations. But these men and women give their lives to earn less and inspire students! There are so many benefits to school assemblies. Students love the energy, passion and interactive effects of this excitement!

Our Top-Rated School Speakers

Austin Lanier

Austin has done school assemblies across the world encouraging students to embrace their unique identity, never give up during difficult times, and make the right decisions in order to turn their dreams into reality just like he did.

Keith Davis

A former NFL linebacker, Rose Bowl champion and USC graduate, Keith Davis overcame tremendous family obstacles and reading difficulties to obtain a degree in business finance.

James Strickland

James Strickland is a relatable speaker from Katy, Texas. His easy-going nature makes you feel like he’s the type of guy you could just hangout with. James’ goal with speaking is to help anyone know they can achieve their dreams and that nothing is impossible.

Champions Forever

Featured on the finals of America’s Got Talent, Bruce and Diane and their family of 12 children have been in over 35 countries, using their “Spin-tacular” Basketball Show to entertain and share a message of hope to this generation! 

Shawn Harper

Shawn Harper will give you the essential tools and resources to transport you from the “ordinary” to a life filled with outrageous success and happiness.

Marc Mero

Marc Mero is an American retired boxer and professional wresler, as well as a motivational speaker. He’s bets known for his appearances with World Championship Wrestling and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling under the ring name Johnny B. Badd.

Tina Marie

From farm girl to film student, Tina challenges adults and teens to live counter-culturally to what the media claims is “harmless entertainment.” Tina encourages the youth to “think outside the box.”She worked on Hollywood sets and describes her nine years of Hollywood experience as being a fly on the wall.

Clarence Lee

He was a double Math Major at Florida State. Clarence held the bench press record at Florida State, as well as holding the NFL camp bench press record. He stands 5’11”, and weighs 290 pounds. Clarence has bench pressed 640 pounds, squatted 800 pounds, and leg pressed 1 ton.

See More Motivational School Speakers

Successful School speaker programs

Our speakers are having a busy Spring, traveling all over the US for STAAR testing motivation (in Texas) and Standardized testing in other states! 

James Strickland was at Cummings Elementary this week motivating the students to EXCEL in STAAR Exams! The kids LOVED him!

Mr. Keith Davis inspires and motivates students to make great choices over their spring break!

Many traveled before Spring Break speaking to students.

Make sure they do this for their full-time jobs and not just a hobby!

Check out Mr. Globetrotter from back in the day! He got that award because he knows how to entertain! He’s about to SPIN!

These testimonials show how profound Austin Lanier is with students!

Austin Lanier gets the policemen and women to truly help students instead of trying to just bust them to get them in trouble. 

Keith Davis shows so much love and care to students. He doesn’t just inspire them, but he also knows that adding fun to his profound speech helps them to listen and trust him!

Students love the championship rings of our NFL speakers! They are heavy and the students always want to try them on!

When choosing school speakers

It is always best to choose one that has a promo video. But not just any promo video. The video should show the speaker speaking in front of students. So they will not be showing you what they do. They will actually be doing it…SPEAKING!

And make sure that they are very interesting! Watch the students’ faces in the video. And if you are hiring an school speaker to motivate your staff, MAKE SURE THAT HE OR SHE IS VERY INTERESTING AND THAT YOUR STAFF NEEDS AND WANTS TO HEAR THEIR PROFOUND MOTIVATION! Away with boring school speakers!

Testimonials from Satisfied Student

“The night before you came to our school I wrote my suicide note and planned to kill myself the next day after saying bye to my friends. I just want you to know that you really impacted my life and helped me decide suicide is not the way to go. I’ve been struggling to find my identity for a year now. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone. Every day is a battle, but because of your story I’m going to keep fighting. Thank you.”

– High School Student

“You went to my daughter’s school about a month ago, and you honestly changed her life. She’s only 13 and I had no idea how bad she felt about herself and how stressed she was until after that day. She came home and told me she was done trying to impress everyone at school, and done trying to be someone she wasn’t. Since then, she is a completely different girl. She’s no longer insecure and shy. Her grades and attitude have been amazing since then. I don’t know what all you did that day, but I hope you continue helping other kids the way you did mine. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Oh, and you autographed her wrist, and I couldn’t get her to wash it off for 2 weeks! Lol”

“Hey Austin, when you talked about bullying it made me realize I have been the one bullying someone, and putting them down to make them feel bad. Your message helped me stop doing that because we never know what someone is dealing with. I want to be nice and help people like you do.”

Most of the details for what your group wants can be written out in the contract…what type of stage they will be on, what type of microphone they like to use, what electronics they may need and what they need on stage, such as water or any other supplies. Our Globetrotters need a basketball!

– Mother of Middle School Student

“A couple weeks ago you were at my school talking about trying your hardest to achieve something. Honestly I didn’t believe you, but I wanted to test it. I struggle in math, so I started asking questions and practicing at home just like you said you did to get better at soccer. My math grade went from a 46% to a 76%, and I can never thank you enough!”

– Middle School Student

“I want to thank you. I’ve long struggled with depression and anxiety. As a person who stands out I tend to attract hurtful comments (and sometimes even physical abuse) and it can make me feel alone. Listening to your speech gave me hope. I could relate on many of the topics, and it just helps to know there is someone out there who has overcome the battle.”

School Speakers speech topics

At Can You Hear Me Now, we ask the principal or superintendent what the three biggest issues are at their schools or district. We then communicate those under special instructions on our agreement. The topics that we give ideas for are:

  • Identity
  • Purpose
  • Reaching your Dreams
  • Academics
  • Red Ribbon Week
  • Black History
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Truancy
  • College and Career
  • You are a CEO…of YOU!
  • Job Skills
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Staying in School
  • STAAR  & Standardized Testing
  • Cyber-Bullying
  • Social Media
  • Goals
  • Choices
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Ambition
  • Confidence
  • Peer Pressure
  • Habits
  • Self-Worth
  • Respect

We all know the statistics,

Suicide – UP 400%

Overdoses – UP  400%

Severe Depression – UP 450%

Challenges and Solutions for School Speakers

Can You Hear Me Now is a motivational and inspirational organization that places trained mindset and mental health school speakers that provide group, as well as one-on-one coaching to both faculty and students. We take each person on a journey of self-discovery and help to connect them with resources and tools for positive self-development.

To learn more on how we are changing the game on mental health in schools just like yours, our website shows our curriculum for great motivational messages and coaching! 

Assemblies are a fantastic start to huge trajectory changes. But the “bread and butter” is when our “Journey Coaches” or speakers can walk students through our hero’s journey

Many students never have any caring adult that talks just to them or even listens to them. We have to value our students, reaching them with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. We will turn the tide with at-risk students when we send speakers in to help them, and journey coach them.


How much does it cost to hire a school speaker?

Each speaker charges their own amount. The ranges are from $300.00 to $1500.00 per assembly. Can You Hear Me Now is known to charge less than most Speakers Bureaus! 

Our guys would do it for free if they had no bills or if they were sponsored! They love students so much and want to bring them hope and great motivational messages!



Your students will love our speakers because of their love, care and relevant messages!

Choose the right motivational school speakers for students and they can make a good positive impact on the school assembly.

Check out Motivational Messages to see our spectacular line-up of SCHOOL SPEAKERS!